anr_history.txt and Low on space

After my Nexus One flashed the custom ROM - eViL Sense v1.26 and partition the SDcard with 512M ext 3. Everything work great with additional storage which help a lot to install plently of apps (2xx).

Recently, it’s found that “Low on space” happened and even clear the storage, it’s still eat up the storage and “Low on space” appeared.

After checked, there have a file called anr_history.txt is grow up to 7X Mbytes which located at
by using “du -sh *” at the folder /data/data.

Google it a lot & seems related to Dalvik but not much discussion found. As a result, working with below steps to clear the storage.

1. Backup using Nandroid.

2. Copy the anr_history.txt to /sdcard for restore backup when having problem.

cp anr_history.txt /sdcard

3. Clear the content of the anr_history.txt, "DON'T" rm it to avoid having file permission problem.

echo “ “ > anr_history.txt

4. Check the SD and phone storage

Storage restored to 8X Mbytes. Great!

ANR = Application Not Responding
using find the anr_history - "find / -name anr_history.txt"

