Jamie's School Dinners

唔知煮食對你來講有幾講究,不過今次 Jamie Oliver 搞的,不只 關於煮什麼來品嚐,同上次係電視見到佢一樣,係一種社會責任.

Cooking food may be one of your interested, and this time,
Jamie Oliver isn't just cooking. It just the same as his previous show, it is a social conscience program.

Jamie's School Dinners

上次 Jamie 搞完學徒訓練班,幫助有興趣加入 chef 行列的青少年 .
今次,佢所挑戰的,係傳統英國公立學校的饍食服務.以 Jamie 在 節目內形容 - dog food.

Previously, Jamie teaching teenager to become a chef for their career. And now, he would like to challenge those traditional British public school's catering services. As Jamie shouts out that those foods is dog food.

如果有睇昨晚果集,一定會覺得英國的學童十分可悲,永遠只會食 chips,食蔬菜,no way.希望今集的好開始,可以延續落去.

Yesterday episode, we know that most of the British kids is miserable for their meal. Normally eat the chips, for vegetables - no way.

Hope the good beginning of the program will be passed into the future.

Clinton 不接受 Fifteen [Google Map] 的 chef 特地安排的晚宴,令 Jamie 感覺不被尊重,所以當 Clinton 要求會面時,Jamie 以慰妻為由而不去應約.有這種勇氣,實在佩服!

More in this episode, ex-US President would like to change the meal for the dinner which the chef worked in
Fifteen prepared for 2 wks.
This makes Jamie feeling that he doesn't respected. Afterthat, Clinton invited him for a meet but was rejected with a reason that Jamie was crowded for his wife. I am admiring to his guts.

如果想快點知道 Jamie's School Dinners 的結果如何,睇怕要去
Jamie's forum 了解了,不然就要追看 TVB Pearl!

As you may hurry for the result on the final of this episode,please stay with the TVB Pearl or browse
Jamie's forum for a discuss.

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